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  June 2001  

Kimberly-Clark Corporation Joins Auto-ID Center


July to Mark Second ePC Alliance Meeting


Cambridge Lab and Unilever Building Benefits Case for Auto-ID Technology


Uniform & Textile Service Association Joins ePC Alliance


Auto-ID Center and Media Lab Formalize Partnership

  Auto-ID Center Sponsors to Meet Next Month in Europe


Duncan McFarlane


Alan Thorne

  Steve Hodges

  Dr. Yoon S. Chang


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"UTSA is very excited about the opportunity to work on this promising endeavor and looks forward to successful relationships with the many organizations involved in the effort," said David Hobson, president and CEO of UTSA. Also commenting on the partnership, Jim Vaudreuil, former chairman of the UTSA Information Technology Committee and secretary/treasurer of the association stated, "Many in the industry are experimenting with various kinds of RFID chips but most have run across cost as an issue. The technology under development at MIT would decrease the cost of the chip to a more affordable level by creating a more optimal design and UTSA is working with the Center to ensure that the design is compatible with laundry systems."