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Notice to new subscribers
Dear new subscribers and new readers of q/depesche - especially to those who might have second thoughts on their own privacy concerning media reports on so called "NSA-hacks" and biometrics. This is all somewhat overestimated as the whole effort is under control of European data protection laws. There will be no matching of list member's personal data e.g. with commercial databases containing personal data [physical adresses, social security numbers etc.] as we have been asked for a while. Real Names are omitted, with a few exceptions of persons worth of public interest.
UK: Kamera obscura
Zuerst 500.000 Stück installieren bzw ermöglichen und sich dann Schwarz auf Weiß bestätigen lassen, was Kriminologen, Sozialwissenschafter und Bürgerrechtler seit längerem behaupten: Überwachungskameras sind keine effektive Methode zur Kriminalitätsbekämpfung. Die Illusion an Sicherheit wirkt nicht einmal mehr bei der Bevölkerung – nur bei Politikern grassiert noch die obskure Idee, mit solchen Installationen Ihre Handlungsentschlossenheit beweisen zu können.
Datamining the NSA - Part I
More results are onsite. Please do read the introduction understand what this project is about. Presentation of phase II is on April 1 2005 at Vienna's Museumsquartier. The more scientific approach of the project will be remixed with contemporary media/art.
DE: Von Moshammer zum Polizeistaat
Da man angeblich dank - illegal - aufbewahrter DNA-Proben den irakischen Moerder des beruehmten Hunde- und Modeliebhabers Moshammer so schnell gefasst hat, ueberschlagen sich in DE die Ueberwacher. Alle sind sich einig: Datenschutz ist Taeterschutz. Totaler Krieg dem Terror und den Raeubern!
"Datamining the NSA" - ab jetzt im Netz
Nach der Präsentation erster Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt "Datamining the NSA" auf dem Congress des CCC werden weitere Ergebnisse ab sofort im Netz veröffentlicht. Eine Reihe relevanter doqumentz ist bereits verfügbar.
1995_12_07,US Government Biometric Consortium Charter
"The National Security Agency initiated the formation of the Consortium as part of its Information Systems Security mission, with a goal to increase the availability of biometric authentication and identification to meet the needs of the Department of Defense and other Federal agencies. [...] the NSA has invested personnel resources and funds to provide organizational and administrative support to the Consortium. The Consortium has been, and continues to be, the US Governmentís primary source of technical information for biometric considerations.
2004_09_17,Joseph B. Campbell, first chairman to the BC
Campbell served 22 years at the National Security Agency (NSA). From 1994 to 1998, he chaired the Biometric Consortium.From 1979 to 1990, Dr. Campbell was a member of NSA's Narrowband Secure Voice Technology research group. He was the Principal Investigator and led the US Government's speech coding team in developing the CELP voice coder, which became Federal Standard 1016 and is the foundation of digital cellular and voice over the Internet telephony systems. From 1991 to 1998, Dr. Campbell was a senior scientist in NSA's Biometric Technology research group, where he led voice verification research.
2004_09_17,Jeffrey S. Dunn, Co-chair of the Biometric Consortium.
a career federal employee with 24 years of service at the National Security Agency. His current position is Technical Director of the Information Assurance Engineering Research Office. This office is researching new technologies to protect information systems in the Department of Defense and other critical organizations. During his NSA career, he has held a variety of program manager and management positions.
2004_06_14,DoD CAC biometric integration.pdf
The Common Access Card [CAC] of the US Department of Defense bears a striking similarity to future European passports: 64 KB contactless smart cards
1999_04_16,Schellberg Advocate Biometrics Legislation - Privacy Fears in the Age of Privacy Fears
Excertpts from this doqument by biomterics lobbyist Tim Schellberg: "The future will be brighter when the privacy paranoia fades. [...] Preventing Anti-Biometric Legislation: Private sector biometrics will avoid over regulation as powerful interest groups [law enforcement, retailers, financial institutions and high-tech interests] are capable of defending our interests.
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25. Oktober 2023
Big Brother Awards Austria
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